Sunday, January 26, 2014


We all gotta step up, in order not to fall back. Step by step, inch by inch. Everyone has the capability to achieve whatever they want, is whether how eager you want it, how bad you want it. How much effort someone put into doing something will greatly affect his accomplishment.

Trust, we need to believe in ourselves that we can do it. Never regret in life, for the time spent on something. Every time we look back, it can be a reminder to not make the same mistakes again, reminder to do things better, and of course, it can be a wonderful memory that you won't want to forget. When life gives you shit, accept it. It's like obstacles and obstacles over and over again. Since you have jumped over one before, why not another? Why not all?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 23 of 365

Injury just sucks. Now I can't do things i wanna do, can't train with my team. Having pains at the back of my left knee, must be myself not doing proper stretching before playing yesterday. Think I'll be out for a week or two. Damn.

I gotta change, for the better

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Lately, I've been losing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be.

My legs are aching now, playing ultimate for two is no joke. It's been long since I felt this way. I realized that I won't be able to participate two tournaments with my team because of my overseas trip. As much as i wanna play with them, I also want to go for the trip to Xiamen. Well, prioritizing is important here, and i guess it's studies for me.

Again, I dreamt of you
Say something 'I'm giving up on you"

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 14 of 365. I guess I sounded too harsh. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.

Bad day, a very bad day for yesterday and today.
Luck's not on my side, bad results, bad hair cut, bad night.. I need a change of fortune, a change of everything. Was totally prepared for the worst, didn't have confidence in doing well in that paper.
I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me today, just felt like everything is against me.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
You took a part of mine away

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 12. My favorite numbers in the number system.

Weekends for me had been 'rot-at-home' day for me. It's me and my computer the whole day, gotta find somethings to do soon, gotta enjoy every second of life. Suddenly thought of what will I be like in the future. A pilot? Doctor? Engineer? Or maybe just an ordinary man, with a simple family that means everything to him. And who will be the lady of my heart, one whom I will spent my whole life with. I guess anything I do will affect what's gonna happen in the future.

The best way to mend a broken heart, is time.
By all means, be happy with..

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day Number 10

Life is so unpredictable. No one will know what will happen in the future, not even the next minute, not even the next second. Never regret what you do because there's no way for you to turn back.

First week of school in 2014 had passed, so quickly. In about three weeks time, it's gonna be the Chinese New Year, something we all look forward to. And about three weeks after the New Year, it's the Semester Exams. Although it seems like there's still time, but in a blink of an eye, poly students will be sitting for it. Too fast, way too fast..

Song of my day: Wait For Me by Elliott Yamin

A chance is all I need. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9

That new role of mine in my CCA is so uncomfortable. I'm so lost, having no idea how to explain stuffs and fearing that I will convey the wrong information.
I think this is when I should start to step out of my comfort zone, and start putting the interest of other before mine. Easier said than done.

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” 

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me is always you?

Day 8/365

Feel so sick today. Feverish and sore throat, maybe I shouldn't have trained.

Finally I can get to sleep in later tomorrow, lesson's starting after lunch.
Suddenly thought of my secondary school life and damn I miss it. Laughing and doing stupid things, after-school lepak session, familiar faces all around and wearing the same uniform as everyone else, knowing you're part of them and giving the sense of home. Teachers will always be there for us, no matter in good times, or bad. At least there's some people who cared of us. This is how life should be, enjoying every moments of it, and cherishing everything you have. Well but now, poly life is so different. It's like though we enter the working world, thinking that we're all still studying.
These are parts and parcel of life that we can't get away from. The only way is to face it.

'And I miss those times chasing you. Maybe you're better off with someone else. '

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7 of 2014.

Yesterday was by far the best day/night of 2014, except for the bad stomachache I had. During school, after school and when I'm at home, never felt that way before, way too awesome.

A hint of your smile can make me fine.
I guess it's not over till it's really over. 
TaeYang - Wedding Dress

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6/365.

Aren't you tired? You've been running through my mind for days.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Basketball in the rain was awesome today. In fact, any sports in the rain is.
Always feel so good after spending time with my closest secondary school friends. We treat each other as brothers, a relationship that cannot be forged so simply.

First song that got me into 'admiring' 2PM, and also one introduced by a special someone. Then came many other songs, which were so relevant to life, even till now. - Even If You Leave Me by 2PM, relates to how I feel now, how I think now, and how it is now.

Peace out.
I guess nobody is reading this page anymore, and it's the only platform where I can express my feelings.

I know it's impossible but I'm still a little persistent.
That just made me go back to where it all started, when it was on the verge of disappearing.

Just wanna see you happy.