Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Well I read somewhere saying that it's the brain that's giving out signals to human beings, including feelings and love. But why, why is there this weird feeling coming from the chest area, coming from the heart? Isn't the heart just a block of muscles that pump blood to the body. Why is this feeling coming out from it? What's worse is that the person don't even know what that feeling exactly is. Is it happiness, sadness, frustration, warmth?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Mixed feelings about it. It sucks.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lost of one of our Founding Fathers

I'm deeply saddened for the passing of our founding father Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Although he did not did anything to me, but the impact he made to Singapore is tremendous. Transforming a 'City of Slump' to a 'Garden City', placing Singapore on the world map, allowing every Singaporean to have a better life, etc. The contributions and sacrifices he had made in the past few decades have allowed everyone of us to enjoy poverty-free, corruption-free and security in Singapore. The growth of Singapore all owes to Mr Lee, for him being a courageous leader, political genius and also a good husband. Definitely, he has got a place in the world's history.
RIP Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Part of me wants it back, yet the other part keeps telling me to let go
I'm sorry if I'm unable to be the perfect and only
But I guess there won't be any chance left.

Distraction is the only thing to ease the pain.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Damn I just got your 'hint' from a few years back, but I guess sorry couldn't turn back time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

'Sometimes, the only reason why you won't let go of what's making you sad, is because it is the only thing that makes you happy'

So is this why I'm still holding on to it, because all of you can be like kites soaring up high in the sky, and I'll stay down feeling happy for you.

Monday, January 5, 2015

'Follow your heart' they always said, but feelings in part of it have never fade.
The deeper I go the harder for me to get back up,

And now in this situation I am stucked.
It's been years since it was over,
but I won't know if the wait will be forever.
I guess the only happiness I can give now, is to let go.
Give me time..

This whole damn song...