Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just learned that we still have to play for the loser's pool. and i dont feel like playing. O level is getting nearer and i'm scared.. hah, anyway, here are 10 interesting facts about me.
1. Before i bathe, i will stare at the mirror and do all sorts of different hairstyle.
2. I (used to) like 2PM
3. Sometimes, i'm scared of ghost..
4. I'm usually topless at home.
5. I'm a member of Happy 3 Friends.
6. I'm an Arsenal fan!
7. I like to dance to some Kpop songs.
8. I want to learn flips!
9. I like Mathematics
10. So far, I only truely love one girl.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

it seems that you dont understand us.
TEAM, Together Everyone Acheive More.
anyway, yesterday went training until 5pm, then head home with yeewei for a bath then BBQ!
i played basketball at the start and only start eating at around 9+
bbq-ed with daniel and cleared the place until 12am.
today, we lost.. this means that we must win Bedok North the next match 20+.
was on the way home i saw a group of guys breakdancing downstairs at the multi-purpose hall. so cool! reached home, bathe, eat, did abitt of homework and now typing all these..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We won! so happy, at least we can go out, telling people that we won Presbytarian.
today's match was without a coach. it seems that we can play much more calm without him at the side. (no offence.) the bench (me, jonathan, derrick, yeesiang and chenkai) was noisy like shit. making comments on like everything! it was fun!
Next game against Assumption. We must win all the match in order to proceed. and we will!
It's 1.23am now.
well later having match against Presbytarian's second team. meeting up earlier for lunch.
gonna sleep now. tired + nothing to do.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

SHIT!!! played Texas Poker in fb and I LOST ALL THE MONEY I WON JUST NOW!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!
It's the holidays next week!! but there's nothing to be happy for..
i have to go back to school for basketball, and there's TONS of homework to be done..
anyway, i want to thank JinXuan for the treat last night! i was really full.
i have no mood to start on homework yet.. hope somethings can motivate me to start.