Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sorry my blog got something wrong...
currently closed untill further notice
Arsenal 3:Newcastle:0

Saturday, August 30, 2008

watch tv till 11am
go play com...
den go lunch...
den play again...
den parent come back...
decided to have KFC for dinner.
so, call 6222-6111
den around 45 mins ltr
ding dong...
eat until super full...
rest awhile, watch johnny english(super funny)
but watch half way, went down to pray,
coz last day of 7th month...
den now came back
n going to watch soccer...
tonight must watch:
Arsenal vs Newcastle
but:( 1 week only...
it remind me of the genting trip sia...
so fun...
especially the theme park...
nothing to write le...

Friday, August 29, 2008

as normal...
met frederick at LRT station...
den go school go school.
reach school
got the ACES day thing. excercise here, excercise there...
den went back to class..
had lang arts n chinese...
den recess
after tat got back my report card...
den go hall 4 the concert...
not so nice la the concert...
den go home...
den went to ryman house to play...
played Wii , n duel master-ed...
den came home...
den now blogging...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Check out my jersey...
today, waited for frederick at LRT station, den pek chek, den ownself go school
reached school,
found out tat frederick father fetch him go school.=.=
1st lesson...ART.
did my printing of 2nd layer..
found out tat my background was kinda dirty...
it was IT lesson...
as usual teacher talk, we listen, den do...
after recess, CHINESE...
did compo for competion...
den maths...
do linear graph...
after maths...
but we did LCE
choun yang became'usian bolt'...
after school.decided to go to haikal hse
but at last nvr go...
coz i lazy go
den stay in school...
watch some 'nice' show...Lol
den went to north star zone played a bit...
den somethig happen...
i did not know tat a game of Red Alert could break a friendship...
after tat went home...
slack slack a bit...
den now blogging. Bye

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

wad happen today...

today, as normal, met frederick at LRT station, n go school 2gether.
1st lesson was CT time.
we did the creative brain juice thingy.
after tat was geog.
we did group work abt landforms of earth n blah blah blah...
It was LCE...MISS TAN!!!
we did the charade(aiya dunno how to spell) on our career.
after recess, sci...
we had test...
den...Lang Arts...
sad miss wong go liao...
but Mr Lin came in.
Miss tan said he was go ex-student from cvss...
after tat was chinese...
we went through abt how to write a good compo.......
Actually we decided to play soccer after school de...
but during chinese lesson...
it RAINED!!!
it was non-stop
so i went home instead.
frederick n i acompanied wei liang by taking the LRT towards CP
reached home,
bathed coz all drenched...
ate lunch...
do homework...
n now blogging...
GTG now bye...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well... finally created my blog.
Today, 2 things happen in class.something bad...
1st, it was ryman.after recess, we went back to class... and suddenly, he had an asthma attack.den he went home after going to the clinic behind our school.
2nd thing was tat miss wong is not gonna teach us anymore:(
After school, went to ryman house to do chinese project.(he had already so called 'recovey')
den came home, ate blogged n now going to study...

Creating Of this blog...

Finally done with my skin.It is Green in colour.